This has to be the most interesting topic to read about, a NARCISSIST. A narc is usually confused as a supremely confident, self-sufficient, and one who understands the consequences of their actions. None of these characteristics are true, they are just the opposite.
These people are around us. You might be friends with them, working with them or even dating them. It can be difficult or dangerous to your health in the ways that deteriorate you, such as emotional manipulation and abuse. But this is not the case for every narcissist, they can be nice and affectionate but will try to know your vulnerabilities and use them against you.
Let’s talk about narcissism and then we’ll get to the signs of ‘Are you dating a narcissist?’
A Narcissist is a person who:
- Lacks empathy
- Wants special treatment from you which is only for them.
- They love to be affiliated with the cool group.
- Engage in gaslighting
- Shows grandiosity, antagonism
- Impatient, hypersensitive to criticism
- Gain pleasure out of misery
- Self-esteem issues
To be considered as a narcissist you have to checkmark all the characteristics above, even if they are displayed slightly.
Let’s be straight, we all love getting and giving attention to and from our significant other but if you are the only one giving it you need to rethink your choice.
If your s/o is adamant that they’re best at everything they do, then it is an exhibition of grandiosity. Grandiose ideas manifest often thinking one is better than others and acting condescend towards other people. If your date made fun of you to not shoot the hoop while playing basketball, it could be a warning sign.
This one is not an exaggeration, most people think narcs are self-centred jerks. Well, it’s another facet of grandiosity and one of the most dangerous criteria for NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is if your potential significant other is just talking about themselves and doesn’t remember a thing about you.
This term means to make a person distrust their own point of view of reality via manipulation. Narcs, gaslight people so easily. It can be accidentally or purposely, because they want to feel smarter than you. If you express a memory or an opinion, then beware if you’re dating a narc, they’ll do everything they can in their power to change your mind.
Your partner would seem perfect in the start- flatter you, build you up (and expect the same). But when they’ve got their assurance, validation and ego boost they will pull away and seem annoyed emotionally detached and/or distant.
Narcs want instant replies to be gratified instantly. It is also because they seek attention and their sense of self is tied to others. It is not fair to you.
Not to be confused with the stereotype, having drama doesn’t mean you could be diagnosed with NPD. However, narcs do believe to be starring in their own blockbuster movie, keeping their stakes high to access out-migration triumphs and respect.
They want to be in charge of everything to keep their reputation too. To them, their reputation comes before their relationship. This enables them to feel empowered, even if it is their perception. When on road trips, they won’t let you choose if the playlist is a sign too.
For a normal person, no means no but for a narc, it is a big challenge. They love challenges and consider all rules to be exempted for them to make you feel your opinion is wrong. Such as cross any line of personal boundaries to make you change your opinion. And if they are crossing their boundaries it’s time to let them go.
In a nutshell,
Don’t suffer. You deserve equal amount of attention, love, care, and respect from your partner and if you do not feel satisfied, talk to them and if you are still not seeing any change or adjustments, they are not the one and it’s time to let go!